Today for our last field trip, we went to Delco Park to learn how big a small world can be. Our Assignment was to take a closer look at nature to see greater details. We began by looking at a small patch of grass and then ta king notes, once we were finished we moved down closer and closer until our noses touched the blades of grass. When I was farther away, I just saw plain old grass, a daisy, and a couple of twigs. Once I moved closer, I noticed that some of the twigs were actually broken I half. Lastly, once I was nose deep in the grass, I noticed that the grass was actually different shades of green and brown. I also noticed several small ants. After I was done with these activities my friends and I swung on hammocks, climbed trees, and took a couple pictures over the water. Lastly, we spoke with a poet who taught us about metaphors. Even though I already knew what a metaphor is, it was still a fun lesson. We also had to create nature metaphors of our own. We just took a couple minutes to write which I found very relaxing. Overall, the day was very fun.
Nature Metaphors:
-Birds screech out into empty space. What to they fear? The echo or the answer?
-A life that has been uprooted over and over, reminds me of pulled weeds.
-A weed grows destroying other plants, like our primal nature to conquest.
-The roots of trees connects each other like landlines, connecting two cities.
-The sun reflects the ripples of the water, like wrinkles on a wise woman's face.
-Rocks tell a story of what could have been.
-Wind blows through my hair, whispering ancient tales.
-The leaves shake in the breeze live a shivering child.